We often get questions from customers about how to go about transferring potted plants into the front yard to add to your Tampa landscaping. Many ask about Crotons or Ixoras, the Jungle Geranium.
We always recommend not to put the Ixoras right next to the house, put them further out. They tend to continually absorb lime from the concrete and you will fight them for Chlorosis.
Always plant the plants a little higher than they were in the pot to give them a chance to settle. You do not have to pack them tighter than normal or use upgraded soil.
It would be a good idea to put some fertilizer in the hole before planting and a little on top afterwards.
If you have any more questions, call us or come down to visit us at our store in Apollo Beach.
Amanda Tarte
Tampa Bay gardeners can get some tips on transferring Crotons or Ixora in Riverview, Brandon, or Ruskin.