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Garden Center Blog

Tips for Tampa Plant Owners during Periods of Possible Frost

December 20th, 2010

Our company name is never more appropriate than during times when the Tampa Bay area is at risk of a frost or freeze.  Watch your local TV weather report and they will give very ample warning when the temperature has the potential to frost and take actions to protect your plants and trees.  In recent […]

Tampa Citrus Trees Struggling After Rough Winter

August 17th, 2010

We have been hearing a lot about struggling Tampa Bay citrus trees this year.  Many customers who have had thriving orange and tangerine trees for 10 to 15 years are finding them sick with dead branches, rendering them much less dense than before.  Most of them don’t see any noticeable disease or injury to the […]

Magnolias and Other Tampa Trees Have a Transition Period After Moving

July 24th, 2010

After moving Magnolia Trees will go through a state of “shock” while its root system acclimates to a new environment.