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Coaxing live plants into well-defined shapes called topiaries has long been a practice throughout Europe and as far east as Japan. In the Tampa Bay area, topiaries give the look of distinction to modern residential and commercial landscapes. These are are popular ornamental trees for planting in ground and in containers. With their whimsical charm and elegant sophistication, they can transform most patios, entryways and courtyards into show places.

Topiaries should get 4 to 6 hours of sun, be planted in well-drained soil, should be fertilized regularly to promote steady growth and vibrant foliage, and be occasionally pruned or trimmed. Pruning should not be done in the fall, as you do not want to encourage growth when temperatures could dip below freezing.

Keep it Green’s staff will help you select the right topiary plant for your landscape. We also offer landscape services if you would like your topiary shaped by a professional. Just ask our staff about our landscape maintenance service.

You’ll find a variety of topiaries available for purchase with sizes range from 3, 7 and 15 gallons:

  • Eugenia Cone
  • Eugenia Topiary
  • Podocarpus Double Balls
  • Japanese Blueberry

Eugenia Cone

Eugenia Cone

Eugenia Topiary

Eugenia Topiary

Podocarpus Double Ball

Podocarpus Double Ball

Japanese Blueberry Topiary

Japanese Blueberry Topiary